
A dangerous path erin hunter
A dangerous path erin hunter

Let me enumerate the main problems I found. But never has it been as mediocre in terms of plot and character as A Dangerous Path! Up till now, the Warriors series has been entertaining despite a few flaws (such as problems conveniently being solved in a second, leaving no real sense of trouble or complication). Let's just hope the next book is an improvement. I find myself wishing I had read these when I was younger, maybe I would have liked this better? Who knows. I'm still looking forward to reading the last in the first Warrior's series. I appreciated the darker atmosphere and tone but it was not communicated well. But, although I spend so much time wanting something to happen much of this book was a lead up to a confrontation that fell short and left me wanting something.anything. I really, really enjoyed some of the previous in the series and even if they were not all that good technically they were entertaining and gripping in their content. Sadder still, my main emotion while reading this was a vague, "ehgggg" something between frustration, annoyance, and a monotonous, "when will it end"? It was not a positive experience. Nothing seemed to go well for Thunderclan (or Fireheart for that matter) and the final death in the book was almost a relief for me, although somewhat sad.

a dangerous path erin hunter a dangerous path erin hunter

Characters I loved previously became frustrating, the story dragged, and the climax of the whole thing was far from exciting. There is much left to be desired in this instalment of the series.

a dangerous path erin hunter

“I love you too, Fireheart,” she whispered.” “His voice barely more than a whisper, he added, “I love you.” Sandstorm’s eyes glowed. Maybe these can be the doorway to other books and keeping children stimulated to read.

a dangerous path erin hunter

I think these series are the perfect example for kids who find it difficult to find a good book or don't like to read. That's an example on how the author gives the cats 'human' feelings without exagerating. When the dark threat grows in the forest, you can just feel Fireheart's fear. The story is full of loyality, suspense, intrige and there's Always a clifhanger.(In this book you can take that last part very literally).Īt every moment that you think the story is dragging on or is getting boring, there is a new secret, dangerous situations.that keeps you reading further. There's only one book left in these series and everytime I think: 'This story will loose it's magic', but everytime I'm relieved that it didn't. Okay, I must admit: I'm an adult (thirty - something) reading these children books, but, hey, I'm a crazy cat lady, so it's okay, right? This is the 5th book in the first series of Erin Hunter's Warrior Cats.

A dangerous path erin hunter